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Dreams, Dreams, Dreams

Dreams are a beautiful resource our souls give us to learn and grow. When we sleep our mind consciousness sleeps which gives us a pathway for messages from our soul. 


Dreams are a wonderful channel that allows access to knowledge within ourselves giving us information on what is happening in our daily lives and how to navigate through them. Often messages are given to us through symbols that are sometimes hard to interpret once our conscious minds get involved again, when we are awake. 


Dreams and symbols are unique to individuals and not universal. It is important to sit with a dream and understand what the symbols represent to you and what is going on in your world.  A bird in your dream might symbolize freedom or a new opportunity where as to someone else a warning. 


I work to help bring clarity to the messages and signs sitting in your dreams.  I often receive intuitive "hits", information, when someone describes a dream to me.  I am often able to help someone come to a deeper understanding of what those messages may mean and clarify confusing images into a clear picture.

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