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Energy Medicine

What is

Energy Healing?

Energy Medicine recognizes that there are layers to a physical body that comprise of mind, body, spirit.  These are all connected through energy.  It is a vital force that can determine the health of a patient.  Physical, mental and emotional health are effected by the way the energy flows in and around a body. 


An Energy Medicine Practitioner works to restore the balance and harmony of this energy in a person to help bring balance and harmony to an individual.  This can be done by working with the aura or the chakras of a person.


My typical sessions include a discussion of what is bothering you, and what you want to work on.  We typically talk for 20-30 minutes and then a 30-45 minute healing is done to integrate our conversation energetically into the body. 


My ultimate goal is to try and work on what the root of the issue is.  Many times the root cause of emotional, physical, and mental distress is buried in our past, unconscious to us.  My healing sessions work on slowly tapping into that root cause, bringing it to light and energetically releasing it from your field.


Angel Card Readings can offer guidance into many aspects of our lives, so I often incorporate them into my energy healing sessions. 


Read more about the benefits of Energy Healing.

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